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Direct Shear Module for NEXT Software


Direct Shear Module for NEXT Software

Supports the following standards: ASTM D3080

The direct shear module for ASTM: D3080; AASHTO: T236, BS:1377:7 tests enhances the capability of the NEXT software to include test-specific setup, which guides you through the process and includes selecting data collection parameters that best fit the specific test you are running. It supplies you with all test-specific initial, intermediate, and final parameters required by ASTM and BS standards are dynamically calculated for you, based on your input of specimen information, such as size, weight, etc. It also allows you to input specific project information for each test, such as project name, client information, etc.

The direct shear module provides tabulated test data, graphs and all test-specific calculations in real time, allowing you to monitor tests in progress, generate test-specific reports that include all graphs and data presented in a project and simultaneously run multiple tests on one computer, involving any of the available NEXT modules and any compatible Humboldt equipment up to 255 device connections, which is up to 1020 inputs.

With the module you can create and store test-specific test setup templates for rapid setup of future tests and produce test-specific graphs, allowing you to draw construction lines to calculate angles and other test-specific parameters. You can also automatically recover from a PC shutdown without loss of data.

In addition, all unit parameters can be adjusted individually, easily change between different test standards and access free, downloadable software upgrades for your module.

For additional information about NEXT Software, Control, Acquisition and Reporting, click here.

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EliteSeries-NEXT-software (Data Sheet PDF)

Humboldt-NEXT-manual (Product Manual PDF)


ASTM D3080

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