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Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balances, 700g – 1700g

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Ohaus Adventurer Precision Balances, 700g – 1700g

Supports the following standards:
ASTM D5333ASTM D1140ASTM D2435ASTM D4318ASTM D4373ASTM D4643,
 ASTM D4644ASTM D4647ASTM D5102ASTM D4546ASTM D6276ASTM D7263,

The OHAUS Adventurer incorporates all of the applications necessary for routine weighing and measurement activities. With a color touchscreen, GLP/GMP compliance capabilities, two USB ports, and much more, the Adventurer is the most complete balance in its class. The Adventurer allows you to operate and access its nine application modes and abundant features that eliminate the need to do several manual calculations through the modern color touchscreen. It also has six mechanical keys that provide tactile feedback and allow the operator to perform repetitive operations such as tare, zero, calibration, and print. It is available in external and internal calibration models. The internal calibration models perform routine calibration maintenance automatically. You can also save balance settings and transfer them to other Adventurers in your lab. The balance also features an integral weigh-below hook for weigh-below weighing applications.

For additional information about scales and balances, click here or read our blog Is it Time to Get a New Scale or Balance.

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ASTM D5333

ASTM D1140

ASTM D2435

ASTM D4318

ASTM D4373

ASTM D4643

ASTM D4644

ASTM D4647

ASTM D5102

ASTM D4546

ASTM D6276

ASTM D7263



ASTM D2216

ASTM D2850

ASTM D3282

ASTM D6035

ASTM D5084