Radiation Survey Meter, Analog
The HS-130512 survey meter is a compact, general purpose meter capable of detecting alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays over 3 selectable ranges. A red count light flashes and a beep sounds with each event detected. Uses one 9-volt alkaline battery. Battery life is up to 2,000 hours at normal background radiation levels.
Operating Range: 0-.5, 0-5, 0-50 mR/hr , 0-500, 0-5,000, 0-50,000 CPM or 0-500 µSv/hr 0-50 mR/hr.
Gamma Sensitivity: 1000 CPM/mR/hr (referenced to Cs-137)
Accuracy: ±15% of reading (referenced to Cs-137)
Energy Sensitivity Detects alpha down to 2.5 MeV; typical detection efficiency at 3.6 MeV is greater than 80%. Detects beta at 50 keV with typical 35% detection efficiency. Detects beta at 150 keV with 75% typical detection efficiency. Detects gamma and x-rays down to 10 keV typical through the window, 40 keV minimum through the sidewall of the detector. Normal background is approximately 10-20 CPM.