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Triaxial Cells for 6″ (150mm) Samples

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Triaxial Cells for 6″ (150mm) Samples

HM-4199B-6 and HM-4199SS-6 Triaxial Cells are designed for use with 6″ (150mm) sample sizes. The clear acrylic chamber has a working pressure of 150 psi (1,000 kPa) and is tested to 250 psi (1,700 kPa). The design features a solid base, which provides an extremely stable test platform making it faster and easier to center the cell on the load frame platen— reducing setup times. These cells provide easy access to the test chamber by utilizing a one-piece, chamber unit that is quickly removed through the removal of three easy-turn knobs. These cells also have an integral de-airing block for the pore pressure transducer built into the side. The cells have five no-volume-change valves aligned on one side for maximum convenience. Two valves handle top drainage, two valves handle bottom drainage, and one valve handles filling and drainage, as well as providing confining pressure to the cell. The removable base pedestal accommodates various sample diameters. Top caps and base pedestals are available in a choice of black-anodized aluminum or stainless steel in various sizes. Other sizes are available. The cell top and base are precision machined from 6061 T6 aluminum, hard-coated and Teflon impregnated. A 5/8″ hardened stainless steel piston runs inside a linear bearing to reduce friction.

Triaxial cells require a Top Cap and Base Pedestal Set for operation. These sets are offered in specific sizes based on your application. Please order the set or sets you need for your Triaxial cell from the accessories tab.

Order porous stones and other sample prep items separately

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Humboldt Triaxial Equipment Guide-LR0417 (Data Sheet PDF)